Monday, March 5, 2007

Lily is going to be a Big SISTER!!!!

Lily is going to be a Big Sister!!!!!

March 5, 2007

We wanted to share our good news. Chris and I found out that we are pregnant two weeks ago and went to the doctor last week. My doctor was worried about my hormone levels and sent me for several tests including an ultrasound that we completed today. It was soooo awesome! We got to see and HEAR the baby's hearting! I cried through the entire test and Chris had a total look of awe! So far all the tests look ok we are going back on Thursday to see what he has to say about everything but from everything I have read once the heartbeat is seen that is a great sign! We are due the mid-end part of October. I have included the picture from our ultrasound!! We are totally in shock that this is happening to us! Thank you for letting us share!

Megan, Chris, Lily, and Baby Bean!

What a wonderful time for all of us! So much to be thankful for. COngratulations Earth Mother (AKA P.B.) and Super Grover (AKA P.P.P.) WE love you all
Posted by: MomMom on March 5, 2007 at 05:09 P.M.