Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Tonight when we put the girls to bed Rdette made it quite clear she wasn't happy about it. We still tell them goodnight at the door and out we go. Well Rdette gets really going then. Chris and I wait it out a minute to see if she will settle, all of a sudden we hear "QUIET!!!! SHHH" from LILY!

Of course we go right back in and tell Lily that we will handle this and that Rdette will quiet down in a minute. She promises that she "won't anymore" and we close the door again. Rdette still isn't happy, but isn't protesting as loudly.

A few minutes later we hear "it's K Rdette, it's K, the crocodiles won't get you, they are all gone now" Followed by, "See I told you Rdette all gone you no cry anymore."

Rdette is pretty much quiet at this point, Chris and I are just giggling at what Lily had just said. Then we hear.. " DAAAADDDDYYYYY, DDDDAAAADDDYYYY, COME HERE... DDDDAAADDYYYY"

Chris goes tearing off into the room. He asked her what was wrong her reply..in a hushed tone

"Rdette sleeping now"


She called him two more times just announce this! We haven't laughed that hard in a long time!


Reba said...

How funny Miss Lily is! They can sure bring smiles to your face! (Some days...others like today for me, a few tears...)

Patti said...

That is hilarious! Lily sounds like quite the little "helper"!

Anonymous said...

How adorable! Little Miss Lily is quite the character, Miss Rdette could not have a better big sister.