Monday, December 31, 2007

My baby is a Big Girl!!

Well tonight is the night... we took the side off of Lily's crib and placed a bed guard. Lots of nervous excitement in this house tonight... and that is just from Chris and I!!! Lily handled it like a champ... so far. We have found with her that she deals best with matter of fact change. Meaning she likes the just do it and don't go back approach. We can handle that! So we went along with our normal night routine and just went for it. If she does well with this then we will be moving her into her brand new real big girl bed by the end of the month. We want do transition this a little slower b/c once she is out of the crib we are going to be putting Charley in it. We want to try to minimize the amount of jealously. We will post tomorrow to let everyone know how it went!! Keep your fingers crossed!

Making the climb
Checking it out
Charley looking stylish!