Thursday, January 17, 2008

One Year HOME!!!

I can't believe it has already come back around. At this time last year we were putting Lily in her crib at home for the very first time. Everything was a first really. Now tonight she is fast asleep in her Dora bed, with her Dora sheets, and her little sister is in that crib! It is hard now to remember that small scared baby that was brought to us. Now a year later to the day we capture her first "singing" on tape. She is now a vibrant, loving, curious little girl! She loves to be loved and give that love in return. She is our beautiful brown eyed girl!

January as a month has been a roller coaster of emotion for us. Two years ago tomorrow (Mr. Henry's birthday) we lost our first referral Matthew. It was truly the saddest day in our married life. Then fast forward to this past year with Lily's homecoming. Then finally here today. He will have two little girls to celebrate with and a wife that loves him to his core. So I think we are on an upswing!

Chris and I both wanted to thank everyone who supported/supports us. We have definitely been through an adjustment phase these past few months. Everyone in the Henry seems to be settling in now though. I think I have the whole Mommy to two down a little better. You will never understand how a quick call/email to check in can help. So thank you!

One more thing... Chris, Lily and I had a little fun tonight. Lily has started "singing." It is the cutest thing... Sad really I think EVERYTHING these girls do is!! Anyway we got it on video and put it on Youtube.

Love you all!!


Unknown said...

OMG!!! We watched it 4 times and then we watched the others all over again. Techno is just wonderful! Lily and Charlotte are
two wonderful litlle girls with two wonderful parents!! Love MomMom & PopPop

Reba said...

What a sweet video! I love hearing her little voice. And how impressive that she knows her ABC song! She is being taught well. Congratulations on your first year home...they just get better and better!