Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Why I LOVE being a Mommy....

I got thinking about this after a recent visit with my parents. My Mom said that I am a natural at it(if she only knew the number of times that I doubted that!). My Dad then followed that by saying that I had always wanted this. He hit the nail right on the head. He was right I had ALWAYS wanted this. Maybe I was a little naive at times by what being a Mom really means. So I thought long and hard as to what is it exactly I loved so much. The following is why, even on our bad days I love being a Mom.

What seems like overnight my life has transformed into one that is covered in wet kisses and sticky hugs. My daily "uniform" has gone from neatly pressed scrubs to whatever I can live with being covered in spit-up and spaghettio's. Everyday brings a new first. I get to live life through the eyes of a 2 year and 3 month old. The excitement it brings to a child's face to learn something new. Whether it is a new word, or a new skill. To see their beautiful faces light up as they master something, is truly a site to behold. From eating gourmet plastic meals to burping baby dolls to making silly baby sounds I do it all just to get a smile and even once in a while I get a good laugh too. I know what it feels like to have a child completely relax as they fall asleep in your arms. I have been privy to so many miracles in the past year. From first steps to first cries of life. Arms that had been empty for so many years now juggle two. Each needing entirely different things at the same exact time. I have changed more diapers then one should even mention. Caught a sick child's vomit in my hands (gross I know, but it happened :-)while trying to comfort her. I witness human kindness the way it was intended. They love without a reason with no strings attached they just love. I have been given more then I could ever ask for.

I have never made it a secret how much I love Chris, how deep and undenyable it truly is. That being said I knew that there was something missing from my heart. I had no idea that to find what I was missing would lead to another country and a early morning trip to the bathroom!! In the end by finding my girls I have found that husband it also an incredible Daddy and I found myself.


Unknown said...

Oh no here it comes again "Sunrise, Sunset..."
No kidding, I marvel at the changes we have all been through as a family this year. I don't have the words to describe the level and depth of love I have for my three Grandgirls. It has taken my to places in my soul that I never knew existed. And it has healed and renewed me in my faith. I love you all MomMom

Reba said...

I so agree with your post. I cannot imagine my life without them...who would I be? I am a mom. I still have moments that surprises me, but it is a role I cherish, even as I am holding a sick child and trying to stop another one's nosebleed with the other hand...