Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St .Patty's!

Hope that you had a happy, safe and sober day! We had a good day. I had to go back to the doctor to have some blood work redone. I had a physical a few weeks ago and everything was fine, although my cholesterol number came back "weird". It was too low. Off the chart too low. I thought that would be a great thing, but apparently you need a certain level of this. If you don't it could make you go postal! No joke! ... might explain a few things!!
Anywho, I needed to have this rechecked. Before we left though I wanted to make sure that I our traditional corned beef and cabbage started! I bow down to the inventor of the crock-pot! It is honestly my favorite thing to cook in. I got all that together and then forgot that oops I need to feed my children before we hit the road. Lily asked for her favorite strawberry oatmeal. Today she was surprised to find it a little different. It was really GREEN! Charlotte's was just a little green.
Once I got them started on that I went ahead and made their lunches. We were going to go play at Playwise after my appointment. I drew little green hearts on their sandwiches!
We left the house later then I wanted to, but we made it to the appointment just fine. I got poked, Lily held my hand and was totally into it! Charlotte was madder then mad that she was stuck in the stroller. Thankfully I am a easy stick and we are back in the van in no time.
Next stop gas station, then a quick stop to see Daddy to drop off paperwork. Then finally we make it to Playwise! No, there were no meat issues this time!! It is funny though Charlotte is at a stage where she is changing a a rapid rate. Everyday it seems she is adding a new word. Today it was Key for cookie! Even watching her play this morning it is clear that she understands loads more then she can express.
We played for the morning, then Lily announces that she is NOT going home because she is not tired and is NOT going to be taking a nap. I assure that she IS going to go home soon and she WILL be at least resting. Naps are long over for her, but I still mandate a rest period for her. Some days that goes better then others! After that little outburst I decide that it is time for a break and they have lunch. Lily LOVED her little green hearts! Charlotte LOVED eating!! Then we got all cleaned up and Lily again proclaimed that she would be napping. I just nod along and let her carry the bag to the car.
Once we got home and naps/rests were completed as planned ;-)
Here is the surprising part of the day. I fully intended on giving in if the girls turned up their noses to dinner. Lily can be a little picky from time to time. We don't subscribe to the full plate club. When they tell us or sign that they are done and they ate it we let don't push it. The only catch is that they must try everything before really turning noses up. Lily asked a few questions about the cabbage and then exclaimed that it was "wonderful" and tore into it!! Charlotte actually only liked the corned beef! She probably ate an adult portion! She wasn't at all impressed with the cabbage or even the potatoes. But she would whine and basically stole meat off of our plates!!
Then it was time for dessert. On bath night we go a little crazy and have ice cream cups. Tonight before everybody came in for dinner I opened them and drew little green flowers on them. It was such a hit!! Lily really thought a little St. Patty Elf was leaving all these green additions. It was sweet to see her face light up.
It was such a nice day! Lily was really excited to see what would be green next! Charlotte played so hard at Playwise that she was over tired and needed to be rocked to calm her. We stopped the rocking a while ago. I forgot how much I miss that. Chris didn't have school tonight so we could enjoy a few minutes of family time tonight. It was just nice!!
Tomorrow we are going shopping for goggles for Lily's swim class! I am going to ask Chris to post his adventure in swim class last weekend! They did great, just lots of little funny tidbits to share!


Reba said...

What a fun day you had! You are so creative. I was so proud of myself for making green eggs and ham for my students but I totally forgot to do something for my own kids. Oh well, there is always next year. :) I look forward to swimming stories.

Oh, and we are just now allowing our 10 year old to SOMETIMES get out of rest time. (He reads if we make him lay down). I think that time is important for ALL of us!

Michelle Smiles said...

Sounds like a great day - but wow you make the rest of us look bad! I didn't do anything green for the day. I didn't even tell Sabrina it was St. Patrick's Day. LOL

Patti said...

You went all out for the day...you had great ideas! I did absolutely nothing...such a bad mommy!