This weekend Lily and Charlotte became big girls. Tonight their room is no longer really considered a nursery. There isn't a glider, or toddler bed in sight. Lily is in her very own twin bed! On Sunday we saw a commercial for a furniture store. They were having a huge sale. We headed over and did put a sweet bed on order. But as soon as we left Chris and I both felt something didn't feel quite right. So we took Lily and Charlotte into a store at the end of our road to just take a quick look.
Lily walked right up to a bed and told us she wanted it to be her bed. We walked around the entire children's section just to make sure. She has been very fickle lately. It came down to two very different styles. In the end Lily really seemed to favor one over the other. It just so happened that it was the cheaper of the two (score!). We ordered it and canceled the first order. We just had to wait until today to pick it up.
Sunday afternoon Chris scooted over and picked her up her mattress and box spring.
Lily walked right up to a bed and told us she wanted it to be her bed. We walked around the entire children's section just to make sure. She has been very fickle lately. It came down to two very different styles. In the end Lily really seemed to favor one over the other. It just so happened that it was the cheaper of the two (score!). We ordered it and canceled the first order. We just had to wait until today to pick it up.
Sunday afternoon Chris scooted over and picked her up her mattress and box spring.
I took this from our front door.
So far so good. With Lily it is just better to make the change happen as fast as possible. The very first night she ended up having a huge melt down. She never once asked for Dora, she was just very nervous. I went back in after she calmed down and read her the book Guess How Much I Love You. I read the story but I also injected it with a side story about being brave and changed Little Nut Brown and Big Nut Brown to Mommy and the big girl. She related to that and went to sleep. She has also requested her 'Mommy and Daddy book" be read at bedtime. It is actually called Happy Adoption Day. It is her comfort book. She even asked to read it to us before we read to her. It was neat to her interpretation of the book.
Charlotte is around and kicking. I haven't posted a lot about her because I am working on something special for her and her 18 month birthday. So I don't want to give too much away! She is doing great and is really talking up a storm. I counted today and I think we are up to 15 words! Some are better understood then others!! She LOVES to show off her toes!
Here is a little video from today. If you listen you can hear Charlotte say Hi! Too cute!!
I must say I have the most beautiful granddaugters in the world!!!!! Love MOMMOM
So exciting! Can't wait for the 18month surprise!
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