Let's start off with WAY overdue pictures from Lily's Birthday trip to Playwise Kids. This place is WONDERFUL! We had such a good time. Lily and Rdette could run and run and Chris and I could relax... there wasn't much Charzilla could destroy! Our kind-of place these days!
Lily getting ready to go down the big 'side'
Lily getting ready to go down the big 'side'
Playing with Lily sized blocks! Charlotte liked that she could run into them!
This sand box is so big there is a actual boat in there!
Charzilla playing bumper carts!
Miss. C was really into the truck too! Daddy was in Heaven!
Our Big Girl!
Lily's birthday day was VERY nice. She liked it because we let her call the shots (ie very controlled options were offered!) We played at Playwise until lunchtime, then Rdette just couldn't hang! So we headed home. Daddy and Rdette enjoyed a nap and Lily and I went to do a little shopping and quick stop in the Party store for a balloon! You would have thought we bought her the world!
Her actual party will be on the the 17th of this month which is also a VERY special day.... It is our 2nd anniversary of her homecoming! Then the next day Big Daddy turns the big 30! A big weekend around here!
Her party theme.. oh my... It is honestly not what I thought she was ever in a million years would pick. You would think it would be Princess or Cinderella right?? Nope not even close. She wants Little Einsteins! Hence the music notes for the background. Do you know how hard it is to find ANYTHING party related for this, and not spend a zillion dollars? We finally did find a place. It came today in the mail. She was very excited! Then for her cake, I like to make their cakes, however... I am NOT even close to good enough to tackle craving a rocket ship, construct a stage! So I pulled in a little help with that in the form of an edible image. She got to pick it. It is obvious that she likes being involved with this.
Ohh this is funny... We asked her who was coming to her party, she told us 'my friends' we asked who her friends were and she named every single person in the family! Then we said who else do you want to come and she told us Santa. Chris and I looked at each other and very quickly told her that Santa only comes for one birthday and that is for Jesus. Her eyes got really big and she said 'ohhh Jesus come too?!' Chris and I looked at each other and realized we walked right into that one, and told her that Jesus was always here. Thankfully she got distracted and it ended there!
As for the title...
We thought that Lily was working up to a major meltdown. We can tell something is brewing with her because for a couple of days she is extra cuddly, and very sensitive. Then one last straw will fall and she has a huge meltdown and then goes right back to normal. This does not happen very often. Well she has been extra sensitive and has been acting out at bedtime. Totally unusual for her nowadays and it has been bad. Screaming, crying, it has been taking close to an hour or more to get her to sleep. Once she does she sleeps right through night. Last night was the worst, we took Charlotte out of her crib because she was so upset. Finally, between Chris and I we found out that she wanted to sleep, just not in her bed. In ours. Not even close to an option. I know some families that works great for, we are not one of them.
Once we got her to sleep Chris and I decided that she was no longer going to be able to get in our bed in the morning at all. We had been cuddling in there, and if fell back to sleep we would just let her sleep until she got up. This morning I got to break the news to her. Tears. Fun times.
Today her and I talked (more mommy talk, Lily play) something did get through. She said 'I have to think happy thoughts, like Gabba' (a nick Jr show-it is truly frightening to adults- think Barney cranked up to 1000-see I told you scary-she LOVES it). I jumped right on that idea. Told her that she could even sing the song at bedtime if she got scared.
Tonight on the monitor we heard
Tink thoughts (sniff-hiccup)
tink happy (sniff) thoughts
that what (hiccup) you gotta do (sniff, sniff).
It sounded like that painter from TV Happy Little Trees....
Ya know what I am proud to report that in the morning we are going to be having a no crying at bedtime party! She did it! Even better she did while Rdette took a turn screaming tonight. She is teething her final 4 molars. More fun times!
As for Miss C... I am worried about her. Chris and I will support these girls in anything they want to venture in. However.. after what I saw at the doctor yesterday I can no longer stand by that statement. I think Rdette has a future in Female, shoot Male wrestling! She is going to be the next Lady of the WWE Charlotte the Crusher!
I took the girls to the doctor yesterday, Lily had a sore on the inside of her mouth I wanted to make sure was just a ulcer and not an abscess. It was, she should be fine in a few days. As I know I have mentioned on here before I love their doctor, but she runs behind 115% of the time. I have learned over time to bring toys, snacks, and my don't even think I'll let you do that again eyes.
Apparently Rdette doesn't really care if I pulled my eyes out of my head. This child... there was a stool in the room. I did let them pull it out to pat like a drum. Does she not reach under and turn this stool completely over! Then she learned how to open the door I had to shut because she was running. OMG it truly was hysterical!! Lily was laughing so hard her she couldn't even breath. Which is only encouraging Rdette and now she is laughing. I looked at Lily and tell her not to laugh, but then I see how hard she is laughing and I can't control it cracked up!
When we got into the car there was a song playing that I really do relate to right now. I think it is called "Your Gonna Miss This" and I know I will.
Rudy is a huge Little Einsteins fan too. We like it to but it is like he is in a trance when it is on - then he cna recap and episodes for months to come!
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