Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Language Czar

Before the girls came Chris and I both had pretty bad potty mouths. Honestly there are times when I am retelling a story on the blog that I have to go back through and make sure that I didn't get too into it. Now that we have been parents we have developed a very thick filters. While I may still think it, it doesn't make it out! Normally, mostly, hey I am only human!

Now I am writing that to say that we (believe it or not ;-) are pretty strict on what language we consider 'nice'. I know, I know pot meet kettle. But they still too little yet to figure out how flawed we are!! Thankfully! I am SURE in the years to come they will! But for right now we are trying to instill better language. Isn't that what good parents try to do? Have their kids do better then they do? I hope so! Right now it is focused on Lily because she is the only one really speaking. Charlotte can express needs and emotions right now but that is about it. Lily likes to try out new things she picks up. Sigh...

We police her pretty well and if there is something that is new we try to figure out where she heard it. Believe it or not it is normally one of us! Go figure!! Well we must be doing something right though, because Lily has turned into a Language Czar! She is the first one to tell me that I have said a 'naughty' word.. sigh... Then I have to praise her because she is right.

For us naughty words for her to say are stupid, hate, crap, mean. I understand that she could be hearing or saying a lot worse. Mommy's filter is VERY thick! Nevertheless, we don't like to hear her say these things. We are strict about it. Now when she hears us.. man oh man! We hear ALLL about it. It sounds a lot like this...

Me: (talking to another adult) I hate when that happens!
Lily: Mommy you said a naughty word
Me: Crap....!
Lily: Mommmmy!
Me: (internally) %&$(*#^$%#&$&#$%#*$%@&!!!! --- Yes Lily you are right Mommy won't use those word anymore...

If she had a penny for every time she caught saying one of her naughty words she would be at least a Thousanaire! We are trying to be better everyday. She is just too darn quick! Just think Charlotte is right behind her! I am going to have to trade my filter in for a steel door!


Anonymous said...


Reba said...

So very true! Sometimes the older kids will say a word (usually like "hate" or "dumb"), and Maria sucks in her breath loudly. What is even more fun is when they do it in public, chastising or tattling on a complete stranger. :)

The joys of kids...


Murph said...

The best is when they use the word over and over illustarting why they shouldn't. For example: "You shouldn't say stupid. Stupid is not a nice word. I didn't say stupid." :)