Friday, April 18, 2008

Where is MY 2 year old?!?!?!

If anyone has seen my once sweet, happy-to-help, non-slapping, 2 year old could you PLEASE return her!!! Whoever took her left us with a hormonal mess, happy, sad, non-listening, back talking child! No, no, not fair! :-)

My goodness, Lily has been giving us a run for our money this week. She is all over the map. Her biggest thing is the not listening. This has been my week...

me: no Lucy(pet name)please don't (fill in the blank)
Lil: suddenly completely DEAF
Me: Louder and more firm.. No Lil please don't (you get the idea)
Lil: Looking RIGHT at me not only does whatever it is AGAIN but LOUDER! and SMILES!
me: Lily if I have to count to you are going to have to sit
Lil: Still apparently deaf.. still doing whatever it is, but slower, and STILL looking at me. still smiling...
me: One, TWO, and move in her direction
Lil: quickly get one or two more whatevers in, and then stops
Me: go sit....
Lil: COMPLETE MELTDOWN! complete with her telling me (you'll love this!!:-) No no mommy stop it! With hand straight out!

ARGHHHHH!! I am going to pull my hair out if this doesn't pass soon. This has been ALL week with her. Not just once, or twice, it is non-stop all day. I love that child more then words could ever express, but this week she has been a handful.

She has been more clingy during the day. We play all day, and I make sure that she gets her share of Mommy lap. But this week she has been like glue.

I REALLY hope this passes soon. She did help this evening, I asked her to put her socks in the hamper. She acted like she couldn't walk, until I calmly told her that only good girls who put their socks in the hamper could wear sun-glasses. It was like a miracle happened! She was up and running!

In this week of me wanting to put my head through the wall.. there were a some pretty funny parts.

I have severely reduced Lily's TV time. She had started just sitting and staring at it, instead of watching in passing while we played. I do let her watch Dora during lunch. I put it on, and walked into the kitchen. I got out the items to make her lunch. I opened the cheese, I then hear she little voice say (like she didn't realize she was talking out loud) "Mommy, cheese" and then she came running to me! All I could think of was Pavlov's dog! LOL

Now, this one doesn't make me look good. I seriously can't help it though. Ok I will admit it.... whenever somebody or something falls it make me laugh. I laughed even typing that, just thinking about it. I really can't help it. Depending on how bad the fall, I will ask if the person is ok first, but in the end I can't help but laugh. Terrible I know. On with the story...

The Food Network was on and they were showing one of those challenges that they do. It was one with those really big show piece made out of sugar. The team had moved it to the table and as soon as they had it down it fell. The audience on TV gasped and so did I. Lily said "oops" and put her little hand to her face and laughed. Now I am trying to SOOOOO hard not to laugh, and encourage this. So I tell her that she shouldn't laugh and that they were sad. She looked backed at the TV and laughed again and said "funny Mommy." I had to turn entire self around I was so red from trying not to giggle at her at that point.

The very next day I had them in the back yard playing. Lily had hold of Charlotte's rings. She like to play tug-of-war with them. So I would let her pull a little then I would pull back, make sure she had a good footing and let go. One time she didn't have good footing, and stumbled to her bottom. Charlotte cracked up!! LOL She got us all laughing. (and yes I did check Lily before I joined in!!! :-)

I told Chris about it and he said that there was no doubt they are mine!

Stay tuned for Favorite Foto Friday!


Reba said...

I just laughed. It isn't funny, but moms everywhere will is so like a 2 year old to do those things. And it will pass. Then it will come back and probably be worse. Just wait for 3! 2 year olds with a year of practice. But that passes too. However, I don't think at any point it stops. Reminds me of waves...they come in, leave a little mess, go back to sea. And then you can enjoy the scene until the next wave comes. :) The joys of motherhood...