Friday, June 27, 2008

Crayons go up one drawer higher!

I waited a few days before posting this, because we wanted to be sure. But we are sure!!!

Charlotte is CRAWLING!!! AND SHE IS GOOD AT IT!!! It was overnight!!

She has been doing the army crawl thing for a few weeks, getting faster each day. Then yesterday she got on all fours and TOOK OFF!! LOL Twice today I left the living room while she was playing and I jumped when I turn around because there she was! Smiling that beautiful toothless smile!

This is sooo exciting! We are going to be baby proofing this weekend. It is already mostly done, for Lily, but she won't eat play dough, magnets, etc so we will removing all of the itty bitty things.

It was just last month, that we were really starting to worry because she still wasn't rolling from her back to belly. Then one day she just did it, and she hasn't looked back. Chris and I are so thankful that our worry was for nothing.

We have a great video that I am going to try to get up here, probably tomorrow. Oh, and if anybody has any great tricks for helping knee rubbing please pass them on. Her little knees are already pink.

She is growing so fast, 9 months next week!



Anonymous said...

run free little bob!! Love MomMom

Reba said...

I have heard some people cut socks and then slip them on the knees like little knee pads...that might work. :) That is a big is NOT the same once they are mobile. :)