Sunday, July 20, 2008

Raise your hands

I cannot be the only blogging Mommy that does this...

Please tell me that someone ANYONE creates posts in their head during the day! I must "write" a thousand a day. There is ALWAYS something that makes me start. A cute interaction between the girls is the biggest catalyst for it. The other day this happened with Jewel at lunchtime. We were talking about getting ready to go home and that she would see her Mommy, Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop soon. Lily nowadays gets stuck on a specific thing in a conversation and will repeat it over and over and over and over again. It is almost like her record gets caught! She kept saying Mom-Mom & Pop-Pop.

Then Jewel piped up and said "I like my Mom-Mom."
Me-that is great!
J: Yeah she isn't like the other Mom-Mom's
M(praying this isn't going anywhere I don't want it to go) I don't understand
J: You know the other ones
M: I must have looked totally confused
J: you know the one with white hair
M:ROFL (on the inside) ok
J: I don't like them, I like that she has brown hair. Can I have a cheese stick too?
M: (still ROFL) you got it babe!

I knew from that moment she started that I was going to blog about that. How could you not!! LOL

It happens all the time. Chris even knows when I am. He says it looks like I am downloading!! I am just trying so hard to remember!


Reba said...

All of the time. ALL of the time. I always have a blog entry going in my head though they don't always make it by the end of the day onto my computer. But always. What did I think about before blogs?
PS I think I thought that way before, I just now have a place to actually record it.

Murph said...

I do this all the time. Sometimes I run to the computer and type it and then save it for a later post. I did it just last night and I'm sure it will be posted soon.