This is the very first picture we saw of Lily. She was 13 days old! When I saw her I was at work. We had lost our first referral two days before. Chris had called and told to look at our agencies website. He didn't say anything else other then to call as soon as I got a chance to look. As soon as I hung up the phone I hijacked a co-workers computer and went to look. I pulled up the pictures and she literally took my breath away. I just knew it was going to be ok. We signed her POA within the hour. 12 months and 8 days later she was home forever!
This is the very first picture taken of Charlotte. Our hospital didn't allow pictures during the c-section. She was roughly 15 mins old here. Because I had to have a c-section I was taped to the operating board. I didn't get to see her as soon as she came out because I was losing too much blood. They quickly corrected that and when they brought her to me I was so over come I literally pulled my taped arm up from the table to pull her little hat up. I could see her blond hair. The very first thing I said was "OMG she has blond hair!" Then I made them push her into my face so I could kiss all over her. I remember telling her I love you over and over again. You can see in the picture where her hat is pushed over her ear. That was from me!
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I love the pictures. Isn't it amazing how very small they are? And how much they grow? Precious memories...
aWWWWW your girls are beautiful!!!
that must be a very popular outfit in Guatemala cuz Abby and other babies have that knit outfit on in different colors! LOL
Have a great weekend,Leslie
Do you know that I only dream of what you have?Two beautiful little angels,one blonde and one brunette.....I love them:)
What beautiful girls! Lily's HUGE sweater in that first pic really made me smile and remember the huge clothing they'd put on our little ones in Guate!
What adorable pics!!
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