Before I sign off for the night I wanted to update everyone on Baby Stellan. Today he celebrated his 6 month birthday AT HOME! They flew home from Boston yesterday. Stellan is on a heart monitor at home and so far the medication is doing it's job!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Needles,Snacks and Friends
When I took Charlotte to the doctor on Monday we talked about the fact that Charlotte is still trying to eat everything she can get her hands on. Expo eraser, markers, crayons, pennies, Styrofoam, you name it I think we have pulled it out of her mouth. While talking with her doctor she mentioned that Lead exposure can cause this. But, she quickly brushed that thought aside and said that her 1 year lead work-up was fine.
When we got home I got to thinking about what she said and all I remembered her doing at that appointment was a finger stick for her iron level. So this morning I called back to the office and spoke with her nurse who told me I was right that we hadn't HAD the lead blood work done. I told her I would stop by in the morning to get the lab slip and we would get it done. Well in the 5 secs it took me to hang up the phone I realized that I wanted to make sure that everything was fine and that she just likes to taste her world! Off we went to the doctor.
After reassuring Lily 10 million and 1 times that SHE wasn't getting the needle and that Charlotte as fine she just needed an extra test we made it to the doctors office. It was around 1100 am at this point. We got the slip and were on our way to the Lab. OH MY..... It was packed, hot, and the girls were not about to wait out an hour to get blood work done. I packed it up and got them back to the van. Then a light bulb went off! I called my old office, in my BC (before children) years I was a nurse, and I worked some really great people who I trust. Well I called over and was told that it was a great time to stop by.
We made it there in about 20 mins, they were right the clinic was empty! While Charlotte was getting her blood work done Lily was spoiled rotten! She even sat on one of my docs laps! Too much! I stayed back with Charlotte. It took 3 of us to hold her down. I assured them that I was not a Mom who couldn't watch (nothing wrong if you can't) I just go into clinical mode and focus on her. I stayed at her head and kept kissing her eyes. Annie the great got it in one stick. Charlotte was pissed when we were done! She let me hold her for a while but when she got down she was making Charzilla sounds and just generally mad! At few snacks helped out! We visited for a while and then headed home.
These women we so supportive of Chris and I during the process for Lily it is great to go back and visit, even if there are needles involved!
Lily does her eye appointment scheduled for June, one more thing off our list! I also spoke with the pre-school director today and I am going over to get her application very soon! I can't believe that she can (hopefully) start school soon! We thought that the girls were going to be a year a part in school, however because of Charlotte's birthday they will be 2 years! The cut off is September 1, she was born October 5. I will get one year home with just her though so that is going to be nice!
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 9:17 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Avon Calling...
So there has been heated debate about this between Chris and I over this issue. To blog or not to blog. That was the debate. I won't say which side wanted what. But here is the compromise...
This is the one and only post that I am going to write about my new adventure. I am a brand new Avon Representative! I have a website that anyone, anywhere can order from and it will be delivered to you at home. Or you can go right through me and every two weeks or so and you can see my smiling face!
I am not going to be posting the web address, if you are interested please email me and I will gladly send it to you.
Don't get me wrong or misinterpret my tone. I am VERY, VERY excited about this new adventure and can't wait to see where it is going to lead.
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 4:50 PM 2 comments
A New Day
Just last year the thought of taking both girls to the doctor had me on the edge. I knew someone (usually me) would be in tears before we made it home. I dreaded well visits. Today however was a lot different. Only Charlotte needed a well check so that in it's self made it a little more manageable. One in their diaper/panties wanting to to make a run for it is MORE then enough!
Let me back up a little. I think it is pretty common knowledge that our Ped has a problem with staying on time. After 2 years of visits I still love her despite this. I go in feeling a little like Gilligan and hoping for much less then a 3 hour tour. Normally it isn't that bad, but it has pushed it. I remain in love. She is a one woman show, we see her for all appointments, we talk to her (unless she is on vacation) in the middle of the night when there is need. She knows us and our kids. Even better she is good at what she does.
Back to the appointment....
What was sooo different about this appointment was that they girl entertained themselves! Don't get me wrong I don't mind one bit if they want to play with me or anything like that. Today though they just played together with the toys (I know how gross they are. I played with them growing up and survived!). I even got to look at a magazine! It was GREAT! They were happy and at peace and so was Mommy!
Finally it was our turn. Charlotte is up to 26.5 lbs and is 33 inches. She is in the 75% for Ht and Wt. Her head is a little bigger (she got Chris' head shape!) at 90% but still just fine! We are moving her off of whole milk- I was surprised by this, but she told me move them both over. We have kept Lily on it past 2 because she is still barley on the charts. She is completely healthy and can start a little potty training. Chris and I do not subscribe to the trained by two thing. We try, and try and try again until they get it. For Lily it took trying until just over 3 until she totally got it. Today we were out for 3 hours and never needed to go. She will train when she is ready. The good news is that she already signs if there is something going on!
Oh before the doctor came in.. that is ALWAYS a fun time trying to keep them entertained! Charlotte thought she needed a Well Woman check and not a Well Baby. She kept pulling out the stirrups on the exam table. I moved her away she went right back, and back and back... Then she moved onto the trash can again I moved her away and she went back, and back and back. Fun times. Thankfully we were trapped too long before the doctor came in!
We just keep on keeping on until Oct for her 2 year appointment- where did that time go!
As for Lily even though she didn't have an appointment I always get her weighed just to keep an eye on her. She topped the charts at 30.5! We broke through the 20's!! I also talked to the doctor about Lily's blocked tear duct she has had it since she came home. It seemed like it was getting better but then out of nowhere it has been running non-stop. Our next stop is the eye doctor to take a look at it.
In the end only Charlotte shed a few tears when she got her shots and that was quickly stopped. We even made a stop at Wally World! 2 Trips in one day! It is A New Day indeed!
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 2:42 PM 3 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Popsicles and Sprinklers
Today it reached a wonderfully warm 85 degrees! This morning Chris' Dad came by and thankfully we are now back up and running with two vehicles! While the boys were outside doing boy things the girls' clamored at the window like a little fan club! I didn't take them out because I was afraid of them getting into something. We stayed in and played this morning. The brakes are all fixed now and for much less money we thought it was all going to cost. It pays to have a Dad that knows a few (thousand) things about cars! Thank you Dad for coming to the rescue this morning!
After nap time it was a balmy 83 degrees in our brick oven so outside we headed. This year BOTH girls are old enough to have Popsicles! I headed off a meltdown and got right down to business! Popsicles for everybody! In the meantime Chris tried to get our hose attachment off the hose so that we could use our new (to us) sprinkler. Well that didn't go very well, hence the Popsicle rescue. The attachment on our hose just WOULD NOT come off. He tried everything, down to threatening to chew the dang thing off! But it wasn't to be and we ended up breaking the attachment, and it is STILL attached to the hose. ...Sigh this was supposed to fun and happy.
The girls are very lucky to have Chris for their Daddy (much more then for this reason) after trying for a long while to get it off, he had a light bulb that worked! He just unscrewed the whole hose and tried to use the sprinkler that way. In the end it wasn't where we wanted it but the girls didn't care it was sprinkler time and Daddy saved the day!
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 7:27 PM 4 comments
Picnic Time
With only a small snag (Chris was held over in a meeting) our picnic went off just has planned. It actually went better then I thought it would. Lily was very helpful putting out the blanket on the floor. I think that we ended up with three in total. :-) Charlotte was good about not picking up the blankets and running off with them. She loves to do this. Well, I don't know if it is that or that fact that it makes Lily crazy!
Chris stopped off for us at the store and picked up the last few things that we needed and then he was home! Lily could not wait to show him what we had done! Everyone sat together very nicely. This is what we were worried about the most. Charlotte just isn't used to something like this. So we just went with the follow and she did great! She didn't like the chicken salad much, but for some reason LOVED the chocolate chip cookies Chris picked up for dessert. Hmmm go figure ;-)
Lily was just in the moment. Chris had picked up pumpernickel bread as a little treat. Lily was SURE it was chocolate bread! She wasn't too disappointed when she took a bite. She really picks up our ques on things. She will ask like a big girl if everyone is having a good time, or if everyone likes the 'new brown bread'.
It was just a great way to end a pretty crazy week and has really set us up to have another fun weekend. Thankfully we are on a roll with these! I really hope that they keep coming!
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 7:11 PM 4 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
Disney update!
This is a very exciting news update! Guess who is going to have her first official hair cut at the Disney Barber Shop on Main Street!!
Charlotte Mae!!
See all of hours of researching (some might call it obsessing!) are paying off! She will probably not have much hair still but a little trim never hurt anyone! Once it is all done they collect her hair and seal it with Mickey confetti. Then she is given a certificate of first hair cut and Mickey Ears with 'First Haircut' embroidered on the back! All that for $15.00! Come on!!!
As for other news we have chosen to have dinner our first night at 1900 Park Fare at the Grand Floridian. This is a character meal with Cinderella, Prince Charming, The Step Sisters and the Step Mother. This is going to be a surprise for them. We are going to let them wear their Princess Dresses, and we are going to make our own official Royal Invitation to give them! I think it is going to be a great kick start for the rest of the week.
We have a little over a month left until we can call and make our ADRs (Advanced Dining Reservations) so I am working on getting an A list and a B list as they seem to fill up fast! You can only call 90 days ahead of your arrival so that is 6/6 for us.
Chris told me the other night that I should become a Disney Travel Agent after planning this trip! But in honesty, it is all on the web. Most things I have just stumbled on. Like the First Hair Cut for Miss Charlotte.
If you want to see videos of the First Hair Cut or 1900 Park Fare check out youtube. I have found that I like to see things for myself even after I read about them this has been great for that. Also it helps that I can show Lily what I am talking about. After watching she can't wait to ride on Goofy's Rolder Coaster (lilyism):-).
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 9:43 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thankfully this is a short week for Chris. Today is his last day at work for 3 full (warm) days! He will be home tonight and FINALLY be able to really be with the girls. This week has just been one of those weeks. He has been home while the girls were awake for a whopping 2 whole hours the whole week! Crazy, and I know he doesn't like it at all. Normally on school nights (Mon/Wed) he is home for at least a few minutes before the girls go to bed. Last night he had a test and was late getting home. I heard him coming in the door as I was putting them down. As for Monday he was on the side of the road kicking his car in the rain waiting for a tow!
The great news in all of this is that Chris Aced (96%) another test! He is 3 short weeks away from ending his Community College career and is on track for a 4.0 semester!! He will have brake of about 2 weeks before the summer semester and UMUC starts. I think that he has decided to walk across stage for his Diploma in May. I think he should and take in what he really accomplished this semester. I think it is amazing that he went to school, did as well as he has done, worked full-time at a fast paced job, was the sole financial support for our family, and still found time to be a great Hubby and Daddy! The girls and I are very proud of him! Can you tell? :-)
Tonight we are having family night. We are going to have a picnic dinner on our living room floor. Lily thought that was a grand idea! She likes to play picnic with her play food and baby dolls. Charlotte is still being picky about what food she will eat on what day. Right now she will only eat food shaped like a hot dog or a chicken nugget. Unless I hid the veggies in something else you can forget-about-it! As for the picnic, Lily thinks it is a surprise for Chris, I did clue Chris in on it last night so he doesn't think I have totally lost it! I think it will be fun and it is a bath night so messy is OK tonight!!
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 8:35 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Manic Monday
This past weekend was WONDERFUL! It was just one of those weekends when everyone was happy and ready to play. There will be a post wrapping up the weekend shortly. I had to mention the weekend to help explain Monday.
MonDAY was great the evening nooooot so much. Those who live in Maryland know how badly it rained here throughout the day. The girls and I stayed in, and Chris went to work. It was just a normal day. No clue what was coming!
Chris and I were talking on the phone while he was on way to school (we do this everyday). There was terrible traffic so he got off the major hwy and went a back way. Because of the traffic he was running a little late to school but not too bad. So as we were talking out of nowhere he becomes very panicked. So of course I become panicked and start asking him what happened. I though he had gotten into an accident.
Nope not an accident his brakes went out. By out I mean he pushed the pedal to the floor and NOTHING happened. He was able to get to the shoulder of the road before he hit anything and rolled to a stop. After a few minutes he decided it was worth the chance to very slowly drive the car to the gas station just a few blocks up. He did make it there. He took off all the wheels and didn't see anything missing. A mechanic passing by asked if he could help and he looked at Chris's brake fluid and told him he was out. Thankfully the gas station where he was stopped has when he needed. He put it in and tried to get it to work and it did for about 1.2 secs then he realized that his car was now sitting in a puddle of brake fluid. WAHOO! Why not?!
Long LONG wet story short... he had the car towed home, missed class and because of the time he finally made it home he didn't get to see the girls. Pretty craptastic day!
The good news ifsthat Chris's Dad knows a few (thousand :-) things about cars and is willing to help Chris figure out exactly what is wrong and get it fixed. Until then we will have to practice what we preach to the girls and share (yuck ;-) the van.
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 8:54 AM 1 comments
Please Pray For Stellan
I don't normally ask such things on here, but please PLEASE pray for sweet Stellan. He is right now in surgery to hopefully to fix his heart. This surgery is risky for a baby only 5 months old. They had tried to take him off the meds to see if his heart would just flip back out of the extremely high rate (at times over 200 beats per minute). But as they took him off the meds his heart reacted poorly. His Momma and Grandpa are with him. They have been uprooted from their home and are in Boston. His Daddy had to stay behind with his older siblings.
Please pray for his family as this surgery is the only thing left that will help him.
Thank you.
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 8:38 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Disney Update
So far this month has been more of a holding pattern. There have thankfully been no further changes!! I did secure the girls a Fairy Godmother. On there is a thread where people can ask others to send a postcard during their vacation back to their children. It is signed from our character of choice telling the child they can't wait to see them or something to that effect. I asked our Fairy Godmother for Cinderella for Lily and Mickey/Minnie for Charlotte.
It is a pay-it-forward system, so you don't send anyone money for this, you just become a Fairy Godmother to another family. I already had our family set up before I found someone for us. I think it is pretty neat that people do this for each other!
Chris is pretty busy with school but we are going to try to sit down this weekend and hash out some of the reservations (where and times) for the character meals. The main one we want is the Royal Table in the castle.
A Lily funny...
We were talking about swimming while at Disney. We told her that we are going to try to swim everyday or so- This made her very happy! Then we told her that the pool where we are going to be staying looking like it is from Guatemala. She literally gasped and put her hands over her mouth and said 'really?!' Such a funny girl!!
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 8:55 PM 2 comments
Baby Stellan
I have added a new button to our blog. If you click on the Praying for Stellan button it takes you to his Mommas site. Stellan is 5 months old and has a very sick heart. Today he and his Momma are flying from their home to Boston. Where he will begin treatment with a new Cardiologist and his team. Stellan has already been in the hospital for 4 weeks now, this change to a new hospital will hopefully bring him recovery, but to get there my involve very risky surgery. They have been trying in the past 4 weeks to get his condition under control with medications without much sustained luck. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 8:25 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Going to the Chapel...
And Lizzie (Chris' little sister) are Jeff are getting married!!! YEAH!!! October 7, 2009!!
We are so happy for you two!!
ETA: Lily and Charlotte are going to be Flower Girls!! How exciting!!
Thank you guys for including our girls!!
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Happy Easter!
We had such a nice Easter weekend! We headed down to the Eastern Shore to visit my parents in Va. We left on Thursday night and got back home yesterday afternoon. The girls did so well in the car. We were worried on Thursday, Chris had gotten stuck at work a little longer then we were planning so we started off later. Which could have been a disaster because it delayed, dinner, and bed by a few hours! However to our happy ears they were just excited to go so it was smooth sailing! It gives us hope for September!
We got to their house late (well late for the girls) so it was quick hugs and kisses and then in PJ's and off to bed. Here again Chris and I were braced for problems with the quickness of bedtime. But with a few promises of intense play the next day, they were asleep in no time!
Friday morning brought 3 extremely happy girls ready for the intense play promised the night before. Play they did! Lily and Juice played everything you can imagine! My mom, Charlotte and I made a quick run in the morning to my Mom's happy place... Her favorite fabric/quilt store. We wanted to pick out fabric so that she could make pillowcases for the girls to take to Disney. We are going to use them as their autograph 'book'. After a quick stop at Wally World we headed back home. Charlotte couldn't hang! She was asleep in about 5 mins of getting back in the van! She is just like Chris.. if she decides she is going to sleep that's it. She is gone! Once we got home I ran her back to lay her down. She slept for 3 more hours!! We had to go back in to get her up for the afternoon!
The two big girls took a rest for a short bit and then they were back at it. Lily played so hard she was sweaty! Soon it was time for dinner/bath/bed. Again our girls were out like a light within minutes of us leaving. Juice stayed up for my sister to get home from work (Friday is her late night) but she ended up falling asleep across my Mom's lap! Chris picked her up and took her to bed! She didn't move again either until Saturday morning!
Saturday we were planning on heading to the Zoo, but Mother Nature had other plans! When it rains down there even normal rain it is like a hurricane! Or at least to Chris and I!! We were woken up too a full on storm! That wind and rain were crazy! By the time everyone was ready it was decided that it would make better sense for us to hang out. The girls didn't seem to mind.
We went ahead and dyed eggs! Both girls were REALLY into this! Chris helped Lily and I was with Charlotte. Charlotte liked to use her hands more then a boring spoon! At the end she looked like the Incredible Hulk!! She also was able to find one little crack in a shell and get her little finger in it! She is very independent! ;-) Lily was much more girly about the whole thing! After we finished our eggs everyone enjoyed a little snack and then it was right back to play! Lily and Juice hung out and watched a movie for rest time and Charlotte once again took an almost 3 hour nap! Mommy also got a nice cloudy day nap in too!! When I woke up I saw that the big girls had made pictures for the Easter Bunny and Juice had made a special picture of just herself and Lily and had written Best Friends Forever across the top!! My sister and I love to watch them play together. It is nice that they do try to include Charlotte. But Charlotte does march to her own beat, so sometimes she likes to play and others not so much!
On Saturday night we were treated to a big turkey dinner! We had to leave Sunday afternoon because Chris has work and school on Monday. So we had Easter dinner a day early! Juice wanted a turkey leg and Lily only wanted sweet potatoes! Charlotte is still being quiet picky so she mushed and mashed and got a few bites here and there! Funny thing is she still no picky when it comes to dessert. I have no clue why?! ;-) In any case she and Lily LOVED dessert (as did everyone else) so much so that they were covered in it! Into the bath again!! Then just like the night before it was lights out. Lily took a few extra minutes to settle because she knew the Easter bunny was on his way!
Juice also took a little longer to get to sleep, so the bunny was held off a little before he could come and do his work! In the end Juice went to sleep and the bunny came to leave his goodies and some eggs to hunt up! The weekend before I put the eggs together with jelly beans for the big girls and toddler fruit snacks for Charlotte. When we put the eggs out we kept all of Charlotte's together and hide the rest.
The first thing they saw when they woke up were the eggs left. Juice swears she heard the bunny hopping around the house! The girls were very happy with everything left for them! Chris and I oops I mean the Easter Bunny was smart and got them things for Disney that they were going to get them anyway. Coloring books, crayons, bubbles, playdoh, books. They are both very much into bubbles! A tiny bit of candy was left as well!
We spent the morning playing with all of the new goodies, had one last dance party and then after lunch it was time to head home. Charlotte only slept for a short while. Once we got home we unpacked and just hung out. All in all it was a great weekend!
Not Easter but a new fav!
Hangin' out!
Jelly Bean heaven!
Getting ready for the hunt!

Charlotte's egg stash!
Easter Bunny has been here!
Proud of her egg!
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 8:24 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
1st Dentist Appointment!
This evening Lily had her very first Dentist appointment! As with most things medical she really did great! There wasn't one tear or hint of nervousness. I was already with the Dentist when they were ready for her in a different room. She went ahead just like a big girl. I could hear the tech talking with her. She was very excited for the bubble gum toothpaste!
It was funny after she left the room I told the dentist that I was putting on a brave face for Lily. Then I informed him that I am sure he is a very nice man but I didn't like his type. By that I mean Dentist. He laughed and said he hears that all the time! But honestly I turn bright red and hot!
As for Lily thankfully everything checked out just fine. We had a couple of concerns but I was told that it is nothing to worry over and that she is great! She is due back in 6 months!
Chris and I were talking the other night about Lily. She has grown so much in the past 2 months. She is in a big girl bed, wearing panties 24/7 (at night we wearing a pull-up under her panties), she has finished her swimming class, been to the dentist, and in just a couple weeks she will be starting her very first dance class!! We gave her a choice of more swimming on a ballet class and she picked dance. It is all through our parks and recs so it is a short 6 week class again. We think it is a good way for her to try new things and be around kids her own age. This class is just for 3 years olds! Can we say super cute!
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Happy 18 Months!
18 minutes old
(give or take)
18 months old today!
18 The age we are dreading
17 Words
16 Colors found in Charlotte's poo after Playdoh day!
15 Classes of objects Charlotte has tried to ingest
14 Games of Peek a boo!
13 Times a day Mommy hears "uh oh"
12 Baby teeth every time she smiles
11 Giggles with her sister
10 Times Daddy saying 'no no Charlotte stop smacking your Suzie! It makes me uncomfortable!!' 9 Times Mommy laughs about # 10!
8 Finger swipes... remember 17? She doesn't always hand it over!
7 Bedtime! :-)
6 Hugs and kisses at a time
5 stinky toes (our game)
4 Favorite songs
3 calls to poison control
2 trips to the ER
Our #1 Greatest Surprise
Today our baby is 18 months old! Where did that time go?! I asked myself that most of today. It seems like just yesterday she was just a little lump needing us for everything. Today we were chasing her down in the store, house, yard. Even in the 6 months since her birthday she has changed almost everyday. I love to watch her master new things. Her new favorite things are shoes! She L O V E S shoes! We went into Payless the other day and it was as if she found her home! She must have said shoe 8000 times before we left! If she can find a pair it doesn't matter whose they are she will wear them all day long!
As for her baby book stuff:
* She can ID all of her facial body parts and her toes
* She can say, Momma, Dada, EE (Lily), Dog, toes, eye, shoe, teeth, drink, eat, please, thank you, cookie, RaRa (rocket on Einsteins), Einsteins (sounds more like Inine), ball, whee
* Signs please, drink and eat
* can understand simple instruction (where is your cup, let's change your diaper)
* loves to dance
* Has become a picky eater- not really feeling meat, fruit and veggies right now. We have gotten VERY sneaky!
* likes to look at books
* a ball is her very favorite toy
* she only one size behind Lily!
* she is trying to make animal sounds
* she gets very excited when Lily cheers her onto do something new
The sweetest thing that Charlotte does is how she shows her love. She is tough and sweet all wrapped up in one. When she hugs you there is no mistaking it, it is full force both arms wrapped tight and a squeeze. When she wants a kiss she will kiss over and over until her kiss tank is full. It is one of my highlights of my day! We can't wait to see where she is in another 6 months!
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 7:04 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Grandparents Doing Good!
Recently my Mom attended a volunteer appreciation day for the Holly Center in Pocomoke MD. This is a center for individuals with Developmental Disabilities. This is the write up from their spring newsletter!
L ocated in the town of Pocomoke is a shop
known as Robin Anne’s Quilters Service.
Once inside, you’ll find warm smiles and lots of
laughter from some special ladies who belong
to the “Thursday Group”.
T hey meet Thursday of each week to share
quilting news, exchange ideas, sew, quilt,
chat and have a great time! The group was
called upon last September for their consideration
in making
bags to
benefit Holly
Robin Anne
owner, graciously
Belote, along
with the
president of
the Holly
Helpers, Patti
Potterton, to
meet with the
group to discuss
the particulars.
rest is history!
bags were made out of denim material for both
genders and will be utilized to carry items for
the individuals, similar to a student’s back pack.
To date, they have made over 100 wheelchair
bags and continue to make more! We appreciate
the support they have given to Holly Center.
As a group, they work very well together within
each person’s own level of expertise. It bonds
them together and offers support along with
joyful inspiration. Mary Maloney (that's my mom!), president of
the group, offered their services for future requests
to benefit Holly Center. Thank you,
Thursday Group!
Chris and I are so proud that our girls have such accomplished Grandparents and good positive role models in their lives! We love you!
Hugs and Kisses! Megan at 6:33 AM 1 comments