Friday, August 22, 2008

I need a Golden Ticket!

Veruca Salt:Gooses! Geeses!I want my geese to lay gold eggs for Easter
Mr. Salt:It will, sweetheart
Veruca:At least a hundred a day
Mr.Salt:Anything you say
Veruca:And by the way
Mr. Salt:What?
Veruca:I want a feast.
Mr. Salt:You ate before you came to the factory
Veruca:I want a bean feast!
Mr. Salt:Oh, one of those
Veruca:Cream buns and doughnuts and fruitcake with no nuts So good you could go nuts
Mr. Salt:You can have all those things when you get home
No, now!! I want a ball I want a party Pink macaroons and a million balloons And performing baboons and ...Give it to me Rrhh rhhh Now! I want the world I want the whole world I want to lock it all up in my pocket It's my bar of chocolate Give it to me Now! I want today I want tomorrow I want to wear 'em like braids in my hair And I don't want to share 'em I want a party with room fulls of laughter Ten thousand tons of ice cream And if I don't get the things I am after I'm going to scream! I want the works I want the whole works Presents and prizes and sweets and surprises Of all shapes and sizes And now Don't care how I want it now Don't care how I want it now!!!!!!!!
Remember that one?! I woke up writing this in my head this morning! That has been Lily mantra this week. Every night when she is looking angelic sleeping in her bed we walk out of her room feeling like we are getting off a roller coaster. She is up and down, oops now she is right, oh no look out we are going back down! ARGH!
Poor baby nothing makes her happy, she had tons of accidents this week. We know that she is still learning and accept that. However, there was one day (Wednesday-I will never forget it!) I went into their room in the morning before breakfast to open windows. She was already in there rocking her little rocking chair. We were talking sweetly and all of a sudden I heard a trickling sound and there she was peeing all over her chair! The sound I heard was it running through the wicker! You know that saying.. who took a p*ss in your cheerios? I learned first hand that this week that the person that made up that saying MUST have had a 2 year old! LOL
Today was our best day. I got the two big girls (Jewel is staying with us while her Momma gets everything moved up here) outside for a while as Rdette napped. So that was nice for all of us. I brought them back in just as R was getting up from her nap. I went ahead and tried again to nap Lily. She is NOT a good napper at all. Never really has been, but I think that is might be the root of what is going on now. So I went ahead got her in her bed. I had to remind her a few hundred times to get back in her bed. Maggie called and while we talking she got quiet. I am thinking this is great. I got off the phone to go wake her up. I swing open the door getting ready to sing a cheery song only to be met with her STANDING on the same rocker she had peed on. She had pushed it up to her dresser and proceeded to remove ALL of her special books off of the top shelf! That earned her a time out and the removal of the rocker for good from her room.
Now she had a rotten week over all emotionally. There was however a very sweet moment that happened today. This morning, we heard Rdette "singing" @ her normal 6 am wake up. We have learned to wait her out a little because every once in a while she will sing herself back to sleep. Chris and I were still in bed and all of a sudden their door opens and closes and we see the bathroom light ( we have been leaving that on for Juice at night) and then nothing. So I whispered to Chris that maybe we should go check on her. He said to wait a few seconds and see what she does. About 30 secs later the bathroom door is closed completely and I see a little brown head come into our room and shut our door. At this point Chris and I are giggling so hard, but still trying to pretend not to see her. She walked right up to Chris's head and said "Daddy I awake." He asked her if she went to the potty and she did, then promptly asked for her bup! Then I got to have 10 mins of alone cuddle time with her before Rdette started to howl.
It is funny though how in those 10 sweet mins in the morning everything is completely erased from the day before.
I am going to be taking her out tomorrow morning for some Lily & Mommy time. Maybe the one on one will help!