Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mommy's heart

During our last stop today, an older woman came over and was making all over Charlotte. Lily smiled up at her with her big brown eyes and said "hi". The lady had responded back and asked her how she was and Lily said "Mommy's heart." I glowed.

We have been talking more and more with Lily about Guatemala. It will never be a secret, we want her to embrace her adoption. I told her a while back that I was a lucky Mommy because I had two special girls. Charlotte who grew in my tummy and Lily who grew in my heart.She looked a little confused, and I let it go and continued to cuddle. This was a while ago and Chris nor I came remember saying more about it. We just talk about Guatemala, and just things in general, ie riding the airplanes home, living with her foster mom, and about her birthmom. We are taking baby steps. We want her to understand that this is a part of who she and don't want her to feel branded "the adopted child"KWIM?

The other day I had asked her where she was born, fully expecting her to say utema (Guatemala), she looked at her chest and said heart. I didn't get it at first and then she said "Mommy's heart". I didn't know what to say at first, I just gave her a big hug and told her that was right.

Could she be any sweeter?!?!?


Reba said...

How sweet! We talk about Guatemala a lot too. Maria has a little understanding especially since we brought Joshua home. However, she will watch him do things and want to know if she did them too when she was a baby. So we go through the whole thing all over again. :)